
Since our founding, we’ve worked with numerous clients throughout the area. Great service begins and ends with experienced and friendly professionals, which is why we put so much consideration into selecting only the best to join our team. We complete projects efficiently and on schedule, and go above and beyond to form lasting relationships with our clients.
Here is what we offer:
Unique Logistics Freight, LLC will locate and secure loads (with your approval) that meet your
personal profile. We handle all necessary searching, negotiations and paperwork, leaving you free to do
what earns you money.....driving those miles!
Consider the amount of time you spend at a truck stop or other facility searching for a load for your
truck, plus time on the phone negotiating the deal. Now add to that the time and money that is spent
faxing required documents from a truck stop fax machine. This can take hours of your time and can be
very frustrating. Unique Logistics Freight, LLC will take away your frustration. We step in, become your
personal Agent and work for YOU!
Here is how it works:
You establish a profile for us to work from by answering a few simple questions that describe your
preferred lanes, your preferred freight, and the minimum amount of pay you will accept. Your personal
dispatcher will locate a selection of available freight that matches your profile and contact you with the
details. You will be able to tell the dispatcher which loads you are interested in then your dispatcher will
go to work negotiating the loads for you. Your dispatcher will handle all the necessary and faxes to secure
the load for you and contact you with the details. Once you are dispatched on the load, your personal
dispatcher is able to start looking for your next load to keep your truck moving and making money! Your
dispatcher will send copies of all the load paperwork to the location designation on your profile. WE
NEVER TOUCH YOUR MONEY. We will send your invoices to your factoring company for payment.
You simply agree to pay a percentage per load to Unique Logistics Freight, LLC. We will send you a
weekly invoice. It’s that simple! You the driver, rolling and making money and us (Unique Logistics
Freight, LLC) working for YOU behind the scenes.